Tahu Tek From Java Indonesian

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Tahu Tek know consisting of fried tofu, fried potatoes, bean sprouts, slices of cucumber and kerupuk.Tofu and fries popatoes cut into small pieces and then given a seasoning made of paste, water, peanuts, chilies and garlic.
Typical food of Surabaya is called out Tahu Tek because scissors are used to cut out, potatoes, eggs reads tek..tek..tek. Usually the seller know tek 'roam' at night.
The material from chicken, legs, and offal (liver and gizzard). Marinade: turmeric, cumin, coriander, Laos, Shallots, Garlic, Sere, Leaf Purut, Pecan, pepper, soy sauce, micin, and salt, do not forget to also add the boiled fish with spices until to pieces.

Tahu Tek
[images source:uongjowo.blogapot.com]
To complement suun, Eggs, Sladri, Poyah (shrimp crackers and fried garlic), capsicum (cayenne, nutmeg, salt). how to present with white rice. In District Lamongan Soto Sukodadi stalls are very tasty "Soto Ayam village". Precisely in "pertelon Sukodadi" direction toward "Marine Tourism Lamongan", "Sunan Giri" and "Cave of Maharani".

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